Kevin Crowe

Growing up I always had a passion for film and television. I always wanted to work in the film industry, I just never knew that it would be as a visual effects artist. I started watching cartoons like The Simpsons and South Park at a very young age (probably too young). They had a huge impact on me as far as television and storytelling go. I was captivated by these cartoons and they would forever change me.
I recently embarked on a journey to become a visual effects artist. My true passion lies in compositing and effects but I have also learned modeling, animation, and texturing. Through these skills I am able to build worlds and create characters that captivate an audience. I can vividly remember the first time I saw The Lion King, or Monsters inc because of the profound impact those stories can have on one self. I hope some day to help contribute to such great works of art and potentially leave the same type of lasting effect on people that films like that have had on me.
In my spare time I enjoy movies, TV, video games, comics, and Ice Hockey. Lately I have become infatuated with independent comic titles. I am hoping that some day I can bring to the screen some of these great stories that I know would translate so well into an animated film, or even potentially live action.